Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mirabelle chutney recipe

Here's how I made a mirabelle chutney. I started by investigating recipies for plum and mango chutneys, and adjusted them to our taste.

3 shalotts, finely chopped
1 Tbsp. of olive oil
1 Tbsp. of ginger, minced
1 garlic clove, minced
1 Tbsp. black mustard seeds
1 cup of water
seeds from 7 cardamom pods, ground in mortar
1/2 Tbsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 Tbsp. red chili flakes
1 cup of raisins
1.5 cups of sugar
6 cups of mirabelle puree, prepared as described here (Probably about 4-5 lbs of fresh unpitted fruit?)
apple cider vinegar (optional)

In a big pot, brown the shallotts in the olive oil, then add ginger and garlic, and brown those a little bit. Add the water, remaining spices, and raisins, and boil for 5-10 minutes. Add the sugar and mirabelle puree and bring to a boil.

Adjust the flavor to your taste with more spices, sugar, raisins, or fruit puree. This mix is already quite tart, but you can add some vinegar if you like. Let the mixture boil on a small flame to thicken it (about 45 min), stirring often so it doesn't burn. Fill the hot chutney into sterilized hot jars, just like any jam. Wash your dishes and clean off any spilled chutney before it has had time to dry. Keep the jars in the fridge after opening.



  1. Dear Christian, Thank you for your mirabelle chutney adjustment! Just finished cooking, mine looks a bit darker. What a pity, I liked that sunny colour in your jar. But the taste is wonderful.
    Thanks again.Nadiia from Berlin

  2. Hi Christian,
    Your recipe looks great. I am going to try it, but can you tell me when you are measuring in cups, do you mean American cups? ie 1 cup is 8oz?

  3. Yes, American cups - though metric ones will be close enough as well.
